Over the course of the 21st century, the impact of the Internet continues to aggressively expand into the daily lives of millions of people. In the wake of this socially conscious digital age, Internet-related litigation is expected to be on the rise. In fact, there are already several ongoing pertinent Internet litigation that have been brought out by investors.
Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre (ADNDRC)
The ADNDRC is one of only four providers in the world, and the only one in Asia, authorized under the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to provide dispute resolution services in relation to generic top-level domain names. ADNDRC was formed by the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) and the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) as a result of discussions over the past year. The ADNDRC which is operated and managed by the AIAC as its Kuala Lumpur office handles disputes and provides neutral panelists from Asia and all over the world. Disputes handled by the ADNDRC in AIAC are governed by:
- Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP)
- Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy Rules (UDRP Rules)
- ADNDRC Domain Name Dispute Supplemental Rules adopted by the ADNDRC
Domain Name Dispute Resolution (DNDR)
As domain names are now perceived as essential identifiers for businesses, the protection of these rights are essential. Disputes pertaining to domain names will be presided over by the ADNDRC Panel, which will ensure the proceedings are in accordance with the provided rules and regulations. AIAC seeks to accommodate a simple and effective framework for the resolution of ".my" domain name disputes with it being mandatory for ".my" domain disputes to be settled through DNDR in Malaysia. AIAC has been appointed by the Malaysian Network Information Centre (MYNIC) to facilitate ".my" domain name disputes. All domain name disputes are governed and administered in accordance with MYNIC's Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy ("MYDRP"), Rules of the MYDRP and AIAC Supplemental Rules.
Sensitive Names Dispute Resolution (SNDR)
All sensitive domain names disputes are governed and administered in accordance with .my DOMAIN REGISTRY's Sensitive Name Dispute Resolution Policy ("SNDRP"), Rules of the .my DOMAIN REGISTRY's SNDRP and AIAC Supplemental Rules. Disputes related to sensitive names arise when a complainant believes that a registered ".my" domain name contains such sensitive words which constitute a ground to challenge its registration under the SNDRP. The SNDR process contemplates the framework for challenging the registration of such domain names with AIAC providing a simple, fast and affordable method for resolution of the same. SNDRP governs the terms of resolving a dispute between the owner of a ".my" domain name and a Complainant over the Respondent's registration and/or use of a domain name which contains a Sensitive Name.