July 25, 2014
KLRCA Talk Series : Arbitration in Spain and Latin America (LATAM)
24 July 2014 – KLRCA’s Talk Series returned in the month of July, bringing with it an informative Spanish infused session. The evening talk titled – ‘Arbitration in Spain and LATAM’ was presented by J. Felix de Luis, a Managing Partner of a law firm based in Madrid. Moderating this session, was KLRCA’s very own Spanish International Case Counsel, Laura Jimenez Jáimez.
The speaker, Felix de Luis started the session by showing the attendees a video of the current economic challenges faced by Spain and the austerity measures that have been taken to ensure it remerges as an attractive hub for potential investors as well as for arbitration proceedings relating to Latin American components.
Upon the conclusion of the animated video, a presentation encompassing of five areas followed. The areas covered were; ‘Legal Aspects in Spain and LATAM’, ‘Economic Aspects’, ‘Arbitration Courts in Spain and LATAM’, ‘Spanish Club of Arbitration, CEA’ and ‘Spain as a perfect venue for arbitration.’ Felix then provided the attendees with a comprehensive overview on the three major Courts of Arbitration available in Spain; the Civil and Commercial Arbitration Court, Madrid Chamber of Commerce Arbitration Court and the Spanish Arbitration Court. The speaker also proceeded to elaborate on why Spain and Latin America have that harmonious link that allows for smoother proceedings. Amongst those points mentioned; the fact that both have over 500 years of history in common, common language as well as the same legal system.
The talk edged towards its finale as Laura Jimenez took over to moderate the Question and Answer session that went on for close to forty minutes as a series of engaging questions were thrown to the speaker from the floor. The evening’s proceedings concluded with a tea time networking session at the centre’s coffee terrace.