July 11, 2018
Workshop on UDRP Rules: Expert Approach to Initiating Domain Name Disputes [Manila - 10th July 2018 Event]
Taking inspiration from the last successful workshop in Kuala Lumpur, AIAC organised an unprecedented workshop on UDRP Rules and Procedures in Manila on 10th July 2018.
With the number of domain name issues growing in Philippines, there was a consequent demand for training in domain name dispute resolution. The workshop focused on UDRP case trends covering the most relevant substantive and procedural issues.
Highlights of the workshop included;
- Presentation on AIAC as a Domain Name Dispute Resolution Provider – Alonso Mayordomon Castilla (Senior International Case Counsel, AIAC);
- Preparation and Submission of a Form C & Available Online Services - Mr JJ Disini (Managing Partner, Disini & Disini Law Office; Associate Professor, University of the Phillipines College of Law);
- Structure of UDRP Proceedings - Mr Jay Patrick R. Santiago (Senior Associate, Quisumbing Torres, Member of Baker McKenzie International);
- Legal Aspects to be Considered Under the UDRP Rules - Mr Ferdinand M. Negre (Intellectual Property Attorney, Bengzon Negre Untalan; Chair, Commercial Law & Intellectual Property Department, Ateneo de Manila University) ;
- Outcome and Consequences of a Decision – Mr Teodoro Kalaw IV (Partner, Kalaw Sy Selva & Campos; Professor of Law, Ateneo Law School);
Participants included; Trademark practitioners, potential filing parties, trademark owners, domain name registrants, Registrars and ccTLD administrators amongst others.
Thank you Quisumbing Torres (Member Firm of Baker & McKenzie International) for co-hosting and making this event possible, supported by AIAC YPG & Young PIArb.
For a full listing of AIAC's Domain Name Dispute Resolution Services, kindly click here;
Stay tuned as we unveil our upcoming roadshow venues and dates soon.
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